This job market is as erratic as Texas weather. Some days, candidates might get ghosted by job prospects. On other days, they receive three or four offers at a time. Resigning from a job can be daunting and exciting at the same time. Having plenty of opportunities and options is always a good thing, but it can be a double-edged sword if handled incorrectly. 

The Latest Resignation Trends

In the current state of the job market in Texas, we are seeing a behavioral shift in the wrong direction. It is a daily occurrence in our finance recruitment office to hear one or more of the following statements from our clients:

“I just had a person quit with no notice.”

“I just talked to him last week, and he said he was happy. It was a shock to hear he’s resigning in the middle of our audit.”

“I completely understand wanting to find another opportunity, but she promised to let me know if she was getting close on something else.”

“We made an offer, which was accepted, but now our top candidate is taking a counter offer. Now, we start all over.”

Why does it seem that people are resigning from a job unexpectedly, on such a mass scale? Is it due to emotional and mental burnout? A lack of feeling supported by a company or management? Being overworked for way too long?

The reasons for leaving a company at such a dramatic rate may be viable. It is important for employees and employers alike to be more self-aware and focus on the underlying relationships and causes for burnout, disagreement or parting ways. We don’t have to burn bridges when we decide to move on to new opportunities. There must be a better way to prevent, manage and maintain professionalism amidst resignations for employees and employers! 

The Four Agreements

There was a time that a person’s word was solid, and a handshake was as meaningful as any written agreement. Finance recruitment often operated with this expectation for years. In the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, Ruiz proposes The Four Agreements as:

  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.
  2. Don’t Take Anything Personally.
  3. Don’t Make Assumptions.
  4. Always Do Your Best.

Using these four principles as guiding lights can change the way you approach leaving your current role — or when an employee suddenly moves on and leaves you in their rearview mirror. This code of conduct can inform the way we interact with those around us and treat ourselves to prevent unnecessary stress or suffering. 

Implementing the Four Agreements professionally helps us achieve joy and mutual respect, even with those we may eventually disagree with. 

By focusing on what you can control and what you know to be true, you will come to an understanding that allows you to navigate responsibility or resign from a job with peace, calm and professionalism.

Stay Ahead of Unexpected Changes

Whether you are a hiring manager or an employee looking to resign, here are some things to consider:

  1. This market won’t last forever. Burned bridges might. (You never know who will have a say in whether you get your next job or not.)
  2.  If you are unsure how to handle a resignation, ask a mentor, former boss, or TRUSTED Austin recruiters.
  3.  One conversation can change everything, especially BEFORE someone gives notice.
  4. Trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, take the time to dig deeper and figure out why.
  5. Future regret is more painful than being uncomfortable for the time it takes to have an honest, tough conversation.

Trends in the Texas job market come and go, but the trust and confidence you receive from the recruiters at Accountability Resources will always stay the same. Whether you are looking for assistance finding new opportunities in Texas or you are experiencing unexpected resignations and need to fill a role quickly, we can help. 

Contact our team and find the guiding light you need for long-term success.